Monday, August 9, 2010

6 Months, {Almost} 2 1/2, and Cousins!

Seriously the time is passing by too quickly!!  My first "baby" is growing up so fast and Miss Emerson is now closer to being one.  Of course I love to watch them grow and learn, but I wish time could stand still for a while.

Ella Grace at {almost} 2 1/2...

She just looks so big to me!

  Emerson is actually almost 7 months now, but with the move I never got around to posting her 6 month pictures.  She is so close to crawling now.  There is a lot of rocking on all fours and thrusting herself forward going on these days. Guess I better get the gates for the stairs pronto!
Emerson's 6 Month Stats
Weight 18 lbs. (75th %)
Height 26 inches (50th %)
Head 45cm (90th%...still large! :) )
She is the HAPPIEST baby ever!  Always smiling.

This past weekend some of the Cannaday cousins {plus Lizzie} came into town and as usual Ella Grace thought she was one of the big girls.  They are so good with her and make her feel like she is one too!  Here they are teaching her dance routines and how to do the splits.  All we heard were lots and lots of giggles coming from upstairs. :)  Love these girls!!!

(Oh, and if you have noticed E wearing this dress in A TON of pictures, it's because she picks it out almost everyday!  I choose to pick my battles on this one. :)  At least it's cute, right?!)

On Saturday we headed to the square to try the new Malt Shop.  It is so cute and makes you feel like you are back in the 50's.  Ella enjoyed her "birthday cake" ice cream, Zach a chocolate malt, and I tried the Mocha Almond Fudge ice cream...heavenly!  We finished the day at "Fish Camp" where the girls got to fish.  We LOVE that place!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!


The Barner Bunch said...

I love how those girls entertain Ella...and I'm sure Ella loves it too! ha Nothing like built in family babysitters! ha
That little Emerson is a DOLL! Seriously, she is smiling all the time. Toooooo cute.

My summer IS GONE Amanda! haha We'll have to get together for a Cowboy game (leave the guys in front of the tv). The kids would love to play together and we need to catch up!

Moore Memories said...

PURE SWEETNESS! 6 months is my all time favorite baby age!!!! Emerson is a doll!

Taren said...

Love the house but I want to come inside! :)
Really??? Is Emerson seriously 6 months...time flies super fast!
They are both such cuties

Marla said...

Hello! I found your blog through Megan Smith....our husband's work together.

Anyway...I enjoy reading your blog because I just had my second daughter one day before Emerson was born!

Your girls are just precious!