Monday, April 26, 2010

Ella Lately

My goodness we have had SO MUCH going on lately, which has left little time to blog! The times that I do have are spent resting or catching up on other things. So, these next few posts are going to be all about pictures. Once again, no time for words, so here is what little Miss Ella has been up to lately...

Being 2...
Growing up fast and becoming more of a little girl...

Being fabulous in her beads...

Playing "mommy"...

Loving the outdoors and the beautiful weather...

Being SILLY...

Enjoying play dates...

Going to many birthday parties with fun bounce houses!

Finding her addiction to marshmallows...Yummy!

Falling asleep at the dinner table!

And last but not least,
Finding "coconuts" on our bed. Haha!!
{She came running out of my room the other day saying, "Mommy, I found some coconuts!" I thought, what in the world? And this is what she showed me...}

Ella Grace also had her 2 year check-up earlier this month and she is doing wonderful!

Ella's 2 Year Stats:
Weight: 29 lbs.
(90th %)
Height: 36 1/2 inches (95th %)
Head: 42 cm (75th %)

I just love to watch this girl discover new things everyday and amaze me with her personality and wit. She is such a little lover...the hugs, kisses, and "I love you's" flow freely from this little thing. Our daily conversations and inside jokes make for wonderful days together. Don't know what I would do without her in my life!


SheriMc said...

Coconuts and q-tips! God love her sense of humor!