Monday, April 20, 2009

13 Months

Little Miss Ella is 13 months old today! It's truly amazing how much changes in only a months time. This girl is so much fun, and I always look forward to seeing what each new day will bring!

Wonderful Things We Love About Ella Grace at 13 Months:
* Little miss loves to read her books! She will bring me books all day and back her little booty up to sit in my lap. I love it!
*Dancing is also a favorite of E's. She will dance to any music, singing, or commercial she hears. Sometimes she even dances when I read a book. :)
*It amazes me how she understands her toys. She is able to put things where they need to go, feed her baby a bottle, turn things on and off, etc.
*She is able to recognize pictures and pick things out. If she sees a picture of one of us she will say "daddy", "mommy", or "baby" for her. :) She can also pick out a picture in a book. {i.e. If I ask her where the cup is she will point to it.}
*Ella is really into animals these days. She has some animal picture cards with the sound they make, so she loves to look through those and make the sounds that she knows. Her favorites are a dog, cow, sheep, and tiger.
*Her vocabulary is developing more and more each day. These are the words we know so far:
hi {wave}
bye-bye {wave}
wah sat? {what's that?}
*She will also try to repeat things we say. This has to be the most amazing thing that has happened in the past month. It seems like she has really started understanding what we say so much more too.
*She is also learning to say her name, but can't quite pronounce her l's yet, so it sounds more like the Spanish version of the spelling of her name. :)
*Patty cake is one of her favorites to do the hand motions to. She loves the "roll it" part the best!
*She can point to where your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are.
*Can tell you how old she is by putting one finger up. She tries to say "one", but only the "ne" sound comes out.
*You LOVE your daddy! It is so fun to see your face light up when he gets home from work or hear the giggles when the two of you play together. Z has also taught her something that he is super proud of. He always asks her who's girl she is and she promptly responds, "daddy's". So cute!
*She is becoming so much more cuddly these days. I love it when she climbs into my lap to give me a kiss, or just sits with me and pats my arm, face, or leg.
*We have these made up songs that we sing to her and she has started filling in the blanks when we stop at certain points in the song. With her own version of the pronunciation of course!
*The girly side is definitely coming out in Ella Grace. She likes to carry her purse/bag around the house and brush her own hair. :)
*Loves to climb stairs; especially at Aunt Sissy's house.
*Eats anything and everything we put in front of her; or at least tries it. She is loving her milk too!
*Still loves to be outside.

Whew! There is just so much I want to remember about each stage in her life. Wonder what next month will bring???


Johnson's said...

Amazing how you really don't have to teach them to be girlie! She and Presley will have to play soon :)

The Barner Bunch said...

So precious! I can see that GIRLY side of her too! Maybe it's her hair that's growing! ha ha Very sweet.