Tuesday, December 23, 2008

9 Months

Ella Grace turned 9 months old this past Saturday! Time continues to fly by, but it gets better every day. She seems to be doing something new all the time and is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. I love this stage because she is starting to really understand us and things going on around her. It's strange to think that her year birthday will be in 3 short months! Where has the time gone?

Here are some things that Miss Ella has been up to these days:
*Waving hello and goodbye
*Crawling SO FAST
*Loves to pull-up on everything and using her walker a lot
*Can stand for a few seconds on her own
*Trying to lift herself into standing position on her own
*Loves feeding herself finger foods/some table foods
*Babbling non-stop!
*Understands the word "no" (for the most part), but does not like it!
*Likes to make sounds through her teeth
*Has 6 teeth!!! 4 on top(I just found another one today) - 2 on bottom

Ella's Stats: Weight: 19.2 lbs (50%)
Height: 28" (75%)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (50%)

I had to add this picture of her during her nap the other day. She was sound asleep in this position. It's amazing the ways babies can sleep and not be in pain when they wake up!


Lindsay said...

Hi! I found you from a comment you left on Lisa's blog!
I also have a daughter born
March 20, 2008 :)
She is a doll!!!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

ThreeRingCircus said...

Look at that sleeping position!!! WHOA! I've seen sideways in the bed, bootie in the air, but NEVER whatever you call that one! :) She's so so so so so sweet!

SheriMc said...

Ella is dreaming of getting that leg up to start walking! or maybe she was dreaming of Santa!

Honey, I can tell you have been with Bells and Edward for the past few days! No new pictures!! LOL

What a wonderful Christmas with our family we had.