Thursday, November 20, 2008

8 Months

Ella Grace is 8 months old today! I say this every month, but it really is going fast. As always, she is impressing us and surprising us with new things everyday. The most fun part is watching her develop into her own little person with such a happy, sweet demeanor. I can also remember in the beginning having conversations with Zach about wondering when she would start doing certain things, and at what age the sitting, standing, walking, etc. will take place. All of this is happening right before our eyes! I can't imagine what life was like before we had our little Ella Bella to share it with. When I sit back and look at all the we have been given, a certain verse always pops into my mind:

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."
Psalm 126:3

Here are some things that Miss Ella is up to these days:
*Crawling all over the place and VERY fast
*Pulling up on everything and letting go without any reservations...scares us to death!
*Baby talk is in full swing. She carries on conversations with us a lot. :)
*About 17 lbs.
*Has 4 teeth and more on the way soon
*Not sleeping through the night as a result of cutting teeth :(
*Eating all vegetables, some fruits, Gerber Puffs, Mum-Mums, and some juice
*Saying "dada" and "mama"
*She is in love with her daddy! When he walks in the door each evening, it seems to be the highlight of her day. Probably because he tickles her and throws her in the air over and over!


Julie and Jeff said...

ohmygosh, don't they get so big so fast.! It's funny to think just a little more than a month can bring such great changes. I need your email addresss, i wanted to ask you some questions.